Sunday, 18 January 2015

Two students burnt in city bus arson

Two understudies of Eden Mohila College were harmed as frauds flung petrol bombs in a traveler transport in Khejur Bagan street contiguous Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban in the capital on Sunday. 

The harmed are - Sathi Aktar, 19 and Juthi Aktar, 20, understudies of Eden College of Islamic studies office. 

Witnesses said that frauds flung petrol bombs pointing the transport in the range around 2:30pm, leaving the two understudies blazed harmed. 

In the interim, an alternate understudy named Maymuna Aktar, 20 got to be harmed when she attempted to hop off from the transport. 

Later, the harmed were sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. 

Sher-e-Bangla Nagor Thana Sub-Inspector (SI) Atiqul Islam affirmed the matter to 

Poultry industry And the  political emergency: 

The poultry business in the nation is in a bad position because of the political emergency and rough projects like hartal-bar. The business as of now has numberd Tk 256 crore misfortune just underway, said Bangladesh Poultry Industries Coordination Committee (BPICC) pioneers. 

They made the exposure through a " Meet the Press' occasion titled "Political Unrest and Crisis in Poultry Industry" at the Dhaka Reporters' Unity (DRU) amphitheater on Sunday. 

Moshiur Rahman, convener of BPICC, a pinnacle collection of seven poultry related affiliations, said the restriction political gatherings by and by tossed same sort of projects that was hampering ordinary life and brought about misfortunes of Tk 256 crore amid 14-day hartal-bar that began on 5 January 2015. 

"On the off chance that we check all the nearby hartals, bars and fierce developments, the aggregate misfortunes would be around Tk 4.5 thousand crores. On the off chance that such program proceeds the poultry business as well as every industry will be fell and the national economy will be ended" said Mr. Rahman. 

Dr. M.m. Khan, Secretary General of Bangladesh Poultry Industries Association (BPIA), said that the business created around 28 crores eggs amid 14 days hartal-bar. Among these around 8.5 crore eggs couldn't be showcased because of inaccessibility of transportation. 

He said, the misfortunes was give or take Tk 47 crores. Around 7 thousand Metric Tons of chicken meat and 99 lakh day-old-chicks couldn't be promoted. The creation expense of grill chick is Tk. 35 and every kg chicken generation expense is Tk.110.