Saturday, 17 January 2015

2 Ijtema pilgrims crushed to death under train wheels

Two Ijtema travelers were pounded to death under train wheels in capital`s Kuril range on Sunday morning. 

The occurrence occurred at around 8:00am. Character of the both victimized people couldn't be known promptly. 

Witnesses said they were going to Biswa Ijtema ground on the Turag stream bank in an offer to join the `akheri Munajat` (finishing up petitions to God). 

The three-day second period of Biswa Ijtema, one of the biggest gathering of the Muslims at Tongi, on the edge of capital Dhaka, closes today (Sunday) with `akheri Munajat` (finishing up petitions to God). 

Lakhs of Muslims from home and abroad are taking part in the second biggest assembly of the Muslims after Hajj. 

Around four million individuals from varying backgrounds are required to join the Akheri Munajat before the Zohr requests to God. 

Amplifiers have been set up at all bearings past the Ijtema ground to encourage individuals to listen to the munajat. 

Bangladesh Army has set up seven extensions with boats associating the two banks of the Turag for the development of the fans. 

Law implementation orgs have additionally implemented a five-tire security vigil in and around the venue. 

The assemblage began formally with religious sermons after Fajr supplications to God on Friday. 

The principal period of the three-day Biswa Ijtema finished on January 11 with the Akheri Munajat. 

The Biswa Ijtema is being sorted out by Tablig Jamaat since 1946, and it is being held in two stages from 2012 to simplicity settlement issue. 

Khaleda's office door bolted once more: 

Law implementers again bolted the principle entryway of BNP executive's Gulshan office on Saturday midnight where Khaleda Zia has stayed kept with immense law masters conveyed around it. 

Police again bolted the entryway around 12:40am. 

Hartal in progress in Barisal division: 

Barisal: A 36-hour hartal called by 20-gathering collusion is in progress in six locale of Barisal division from Sunday morning.